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stuff:hisinone_greasemonkey_script [2020/09/14 16:09 CEST] (aktuell) – angelegt simon
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +======= HisInOne GreaseMonkey Script zum direkten Anzeigen der Raum-IDs =======
 +Quick and Dirty Script, um im His automatisch die roomId in den Suchergebnissen und Detailseiten zu Räumen anzuzeigen (direkt neben Raumname).
 +**@match** anpassen nicht vergessen!
 + // ==UserScript==
 + // @name         Show HISinOne room ids
 + // @version      0.2
 + // @description  try to take over the world!
 + // @author       You
 + // @match*
 + // ==/UserScript==
 + (function() {
 + 'use strict';
 + var RealXHRSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
 + function proxifyOnReadyStateChange(xhr) {
 + if (xhr.hasMyProxy) return;
 + xhr.hasMyProxy = true;
 + var realOnReadyStateChange = xhr.onreadystatechange;
 + xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
 + var r;
 + if (realOnReadyStateChange) {
 + r = realOnReadyStateChange();
 + }
 + if( xhr.readyState === COMPLETED_READY_STATE ) {
 + ajaxCompleted(xhr);
 + }
 + return r;
 + };
 + }
 + // Wire
 + (function() {
 + // Override send method of all XHR requests
 + console.log('Patching send');
 + XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
 + // Wire response callbacks
 + var r = RealXHRSend.apply(this, arguments);
 + proxifyOnReadyStateChange(this);
 + return r;
 + };
 + })();
 + function ajaxCompleted(xhr) {
 + setTimeout(showRoomIds, 100);
 + }
 + function showRoomIds() {
 + var btns = document.querySelectorAll('BUTTON.linkTable');
 + var data;
 + for (var b = 0; b < btns.length; ++b) {
 + if (!btns[b].onclick) continue;
 + if (btns[b].hasRid) continue;
 + btns[b].hasRid = true;
 + if (btns[b].getElementsByTagName('SPAN').length === 0) continue;
 + data = btns[b].onclick.toString().match(/\['(?:room|entity)Id','(\d+)']/);
 + if (!data || data.length < 2) continue;
 + btns[b].parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' (RID: ' + data[1] + ')'));
 + }
 + data = false;
 + var txt = document.getElementById('plan:permalink:permalinkPopup:permalink')
 + || document.getElementById('roomDetail:top:permalink:permalinkPopup:permalink');
 + if (txt && txt.value) {
 + data = txt.value.match(/roomId=(\d+)(&|$)/);
 + }
 + if (!data || data.length < 2) {
 + txt = document.querySelectorAll('optgroup option[selected]');
 + if (txt && txt.length) {
 + for (b = 0; b < txt.length; ++b) {
 + if (txt[b].value && txt[b].value.match(/^\d+$/)) {
 + data = [ 0, txt[b].value ];
 + break;
 + }
 + }
 + }
 + }
 + if (data && data.length > 1) {
 + var dst = document.getElementById('hisinoneTitle') || txt.parentNode;
 + if (!dst.hasRid) {
 + dst.hasRid = true;
 + dst.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' (RID: ' + data[1] + ')'));
 + }
 + }
 + }
 + showRoomIds();
 + })();